NGC 2237: The Rosette Nebula

NGC 2237: The Rosette Nebula

Marat Gizatulin captured this fantastic image of the Rosette Nebula (NGC 2237). The nebula looks like a dazzling cosmic rose and it is 100 light years across. It is located approximately 5,200 light years away in Monoceros (the Unicorn). Star cluster NGC 2244 is located within the nebula and formed about 4 million years ago.

Original caption:
Больше четырёх часов накопленного сигнала туманности “Розетка” в Единороге. Нереальных размеров облако ионизированного водорода. Чистейшая плазма. В центре хорошо видны глобулы Бока – тёмные сгустки материи, сжатых звёздным ветром в чёрные комки. 5200 световых лет от нас. Почти час сьёмки в водородном фильтре добавлен в световой канал.

Image credit: M. Gizatulin (submitted by request)
Wikipedia article: The Rosette Nebula

A Cosmic 9/11 Memorial

A Cosmic 9/11 Memorial

The above image was created using real images captured by Hubble. On the left is NGC 3310, a galaxy with extremely active star formation. In the center is the SN 1006 remnant, a thin section from the leftovers of a supernova from a 1006 A.D. supernova event. On the right is IRAS 18059-3211, a sun-like star near the end of its life.

Credit: NASA/ESA/Hubble/@ObservingSpace